Alles zum Spiel : FCK - LA Galaxy

  • 26 November is Thanksgiving. Each and every year we have top U.S. stars visiting with the U.S. troops on Thanksgiving and Christmas to thank them for their service to the nation. In the past the stars that come to perform, if sponsored by the USO, totally volunteered their time to perform without accepting any pay. I have not heard who will be performing at the half but I do expect it to be a Top star. Since this will be a four day weekend, I expect to see a very large interest with the American forces within Germany.

  • wo und wann bekommt man denn dafür karten?

    wird bestimmt klasse :bier:

    :schild: eine Region---> eine Stadt---> ein Stadion---> eine Mannschaft---> eine Mission---> "Aufstieg" LAUTERN 14/15 - die Roten Teufel vom Betze :schild:

  • 26 November is Thanksgiving. Each and every year we have top U.S. stars visiting with the U.S. troops on Thanksgiving and Christmas to thank them for their service to the nation. In the past the stars that come to perform, if sponsored by the USO, totally volunteered their time to perform without accepting any pay. I have not heard who will be performing at the half but I do expect it to be a Top star. Since this will be a four day weekend, I expect to see a very large interest with the American forces within Germany.

    Na das liest sich doch gut ! :thumbup:

  • Mit Timberlakes Musik konnte ich noch nie was anfangen. Könnte man stattdessen nicht wirklich die Eagles einladen? :gruebel: