@ All
I can read German but it would take a half day to post in German. You can respond to me in German.
@ Seppel 2
I am not hang my hat on whether Dzaka plays or not. I to remember the good old days and watching the past great 10er and not so great ones since 1967. I think German fans love the past to much and sometimes resist new tactics and new ideas point in question German National team prior to WM and current Bayern trainer. I think last summer that SK and MS sat down and layed out a a very new FCK tactical concept for the future. It is a 4-1-3-2 with very offensive LV and RV and a pressing defense. You merely have to look at the games between two and seven in the first half of the season and you can see the tactical foot prints. I think it is great concept but people have to realize that SK and MS started at ground zero and did not have all the players they needed to play the tactical concept the entire first half of the season. With the new players and the chance to test players in different position I am looking forward to 2nd half the season because I feel that we are going to see some very excellent play by FCK and a large number of wins.